President Joko Widodo revealed achievements in the fields of economy, infrastructure, and development in his final state address delivered before members of the DPR/MPR on Friday (16/8).
Jokowi called attention to his success in building roads, bridges and ports throughout the world's largest archipelagic nation.
“We have been able to build a new foundation and a new civilization… building from the periphery, building from the villages, and building from the outermost areas,” he said.
To date, the government has succeeded in building 2,700 kilometers of new toll roads, 50 new ports and airports, and 1.1 million hectares of irrigation canals, he said.
The outgoing president also showed consistent economic growth of 5 percent, despite global economic headwinds.
As a country with a population of more than 270 million people, Jokowi said the decline in extreme poverty rates from 6.1 percent to below 1 percent, and the overhaul of the criminal law were notable successes.
Jokowi will leave office with a solid economic record, but faces growing criticism over other aspects of his legacy, including weakening the judiciary and anti-corruption agencies, and his efforts to preserve his political dynasty.
Last October, the Constitutional Court, led by Jokowi’s brother-in-law, changed the age limit for presidential candidates, paving the way for Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Jokowi’s 36-year-old eldest son, to run for vice president.
Closing his speech on Friday, Jokowi apologized to the public for any shortcomings during his term of office.
“Ten years is not a long time to solve all the problems in our country,” he said.
“It is very possible that I have made many mistakes,” Jokowi added. (ah/ft)